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Medieval 2 Total War Milan

Medieval II: Total War: Kingdoms mod Released 2011. Anno 1493, almost forty. Years have passed since the Duchy of Milan and the Republic of Venice agreed on the shaky peace of Lodi. Now, with the invasion of the French king Charles VIII., This phase of prosperity seems to end with a hammer blow.

Posted: 20 December, 2015I started with Rome: Total War and it was a great game. You picked an empire to control and used diplomacy, force, and cunning to grow. You manage armies, cities, and special units (spys/diplomats) in order to conquor Europe and surrounding areas.What Medieval II: Total War did was took Rome: Total War and made it even better.

With the same mechanics and the addition of converting cities to forts and vice-versa the gameplay becomes even better. New units, new Factions, and a new map gave this series a well deserved title.I myself consider Medieval II: Total War to be the best game in the entire Total War franchise because instead of dumbing down the game (which is becoming rampant in the game industry) they took what they had and improved upon it instead.I recommend you buy this game if you are an intelligent person who enjoys to plan things out and act upon them with patience and coordination.Thanks for reading. Posted: 24 November, 2017Great game, heres what i learned in 400+ hours.- Never trust anybody;- The only alliance you'll ever need is with the Papal States;- Milan is an ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥;- Sicily is an ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥;- Make sure you don't get denounced;- if you need money you should conquer Dongola, Timbuktu, Arguin and Stockholm (and place the merchants on the resources);- After the year 1500 and the 'World is round' event, you can sail to the West and find the Americas;- Don't capture middle eastern cities like Antioch, Baghdad, Alepo, etc.

Medieval 2 Total War Milan

Posted: 5 December, 2018The first time I played this game, I decided to try my hand as England.After familiarizing myself with the mechanics, I began sending my princesses out on diplomatic missions. One of those princesses had a particularly bad streak of bad luck and ended up gaining the trait 'Ugly woman,' giving her a nasty negative in charm.Realizing that I was stuck with a useless diplomat, I decided to say screw it and tried the hardest possible challenge she could do, offering her hand to a general in charge of Caen. Amazingly, he said yes, joined my family and offered the Castle in exchange!This understandably rustled France, something fierce, and they immediately declared war on me.With the newly acquired fortified beachhead, as well as the free garrison that came with it, I was able to quickly turn that war in my favor and cut deep into France territory, with my turncoat general leading the charge.He also gained the trait 'Wife Is Horrid' and became an alcoholic, shortly thereafter.This former Frenchman systematically wiped out his country of origin. He lead his men to battle, always starting off with a drunken tirade about how terrible the French were and what a bloody awful thing his wife was.I loved that general. Posted: 6 January, 2016TL;DRAn overall excellent game that I would highly recommend to anyone.Now, for the detail.

First, I'd like to say that I have played this game for far longer than my steam hours. I played the gold edition disk for about 3 years before adding it to steam. I'd estimate I have something in the 600 realm of hours, 700 if you include steam time.EDIT: 600/700 on gold edition CD. Add that to steam time.On to the actual game. This game is a fantastic and educational experience about the middle ages.

Even though some of it is innacurate 95% is correct, and you will most likely learn at least a few things you didn't know. To start with you have the option of 5 different factions, and by destroying other factions you unlock them as playayable. (orrrrrrr, you could just go into the files and change it so you can play as all of them straight away:)The campaign map is a well designed and easy to look at part of the overall game, with a clear layout so that you can tell what is going on instantly. The controls and design for building and recruiting are made easy also, and the advisors are helpful to new players.

(though annoying for more experienced ones) and you can get involved straight away.Now for the best part. The battles are an overall incredible experience where you can lead an army into various types of battles; from raiding and capturing a castle to a field war of skill. Posted: 5 September, 2014I have clocked over 1000 hours on this game on the old retail DVD version.

Medieval 2 Total War Milanesi

Medieval 2 Total War Milan

And all i can say is this is the best Total War game CA has released - and will probably ever release. Shogun and later games have their good sides but this one is still the best. Kingdoms expansion adds some 200-500 hours more of gameplay should you run out. Stainless Steel and some other unit expansion mods adds some hundreds more.Graphics are getting old and the good ol' AI is not that splendid. Not even with mods - but this game along with it's older brother in arms Rome Total War got things right on some things that CA persistently cannot reproduce anymore: pure fun, paper rock scissors -type of strategy that enables exciting and interesting meta-campaigns.

(who cares about official campaign goals - these games are always more or less open ended). And lets not forget those exciting long battles.Later games brought more crashing and complexity and lost something on the road. Fun and entertainment value being the first ones who took a fatal trebuchet cow carcass shot to the neck.

Your browser does not support iframes.Milan, A.D. 1080 SummerMilan is a city of both possibility and problems.

Medieval 2 Total War Cd-key

The Archbishop of Milan was until very recently the most powerful political figure in Northern Italy, with the city well and truly under his thumb. Though still Catholic, the Milanese are breaking free from the control of the church to form a mighty, expanding municipality.The Milanese are surrounded by possible allies and enemies. The Alps provide Milan with a natural barrier to the north that ensures the city is relatively safe from Swabia and the Holy Roman Empire - If the Milanese hold the mountain passes, they can hold off Northern Europe. While the mountains fence Milan off from the world, Genoa serves as the coastal gateway to the Mediterranean and beyond.Though better positioned to expand into the rest of Europe than the other Italian peoples, the Milanese are also the most likely to have to confront the Northern European powers first, and will need to consolidate their position swiftly by working their way into the nearby provinces that the French and Germanic forces have not secured. Yet.米蘭共和國, 公元 1080 夏米蘭是個機會與威脅並存的城邦國家。直至今日,米蘭大主教仍為意大利北部最具影響人物,牢牢掌控全國。儘管民眾仍然篤信天主教,米蘭卻已從教會控制下解脫,成為欣欣向榮的強大自治城邦。盟友和敵人環伺米蘭周邊。阿爾卑斯山為米蘭提供天然北部屏障,免受斯瓦比亞和神聖羅馬帝國侵擾————只須扼守險要隘口,米蘭幾乎能抵御整個北歐。崇山峻嶺將米蘭隔離戰火之外,熱那亞則為米蘭提供通向地中海及更廣闊世界的門戶。儘管與其他意大利城邦相比,米蘭地理環境得天獨厚,更易向外擴張,然而必須首先與北歐諸強交手,同時伺機而動,迅速奪取法蘭西和神聖羅馬帝國的防禦薄弱地區.Facebook Comments.

Medieval 2 Total War Milan